Saturday, August 6, 2011

Cousins at the Water Park

Once again, this post is not about my recent backpacking trip through the Bighorns. It is still in the works. And once again this post is about my delightful cousins.

For the second time this summer I took my cousins to the Water Park in Spearfish. They were eating lunch before we left when I started to get antsy and told them to hurry and eat.

Me: I need to go swimming.
(Camille begins to eat faster)
Sam: Really? You need to go swimming? I think you just want to go swimming.
Me: Uh, no dude, I need to go swimming.

We finally got there and they were awesome. Camille braved the dumping of the huge bucket and Sam, wise beyond his six years, opted out of standing beneath the dumping bucket because he thought the pressure would be too great and knock him over. Luckily us girls remained on our feet! The last time we went Sam made a huge accomplishment and went in his own inner tube down the Lazy River. This time Camille made the same hugh accomplishment and the three of us casually floated down the river except for the few occasions when one of them would grab my big toe for reassurance.


They were "tanning." Little did they know I had slathered LOADS of SPF 50 on them. 

Camille (4 yrs old), Sam (6 yrs old), Sanna (20 yrs old)

I love being so much older than my cousins. My grandparents in a way have two different sets of grandkids. The big kids (also known as adults), me and Brytten, and the little kids, Sam and Camille.


  1. I'm so glad they had this opportunity to be with you this summer...I'm sure they will always remember it. I can't believe Camille went down in her own tube!

  2. I loved having them out here! She didn't even hesitate at all and just sprawled out all across the tube with her head back!
