Monday, August 6, 2012

The Gifts of the Gifted

In the last couple years a proud moment for the entire family was when my cousin Sam had a reading level of 12 and he only needed a 3 to finish Kindergarten. The kid is a little bit brilliant. I thought of him when sent me this article, "50 Essential Links for the Parents of Gifted Children."

The article divides the list of 50 suggestions into helpful organizations, Twitter feeds, blogs, designated resources, and note-worthy articles. I went through and picked my favorites from each section.

My favorite organization included in this list is Mensa for Kids. This organization develops monthly themes to get kids reading and learning at an advanced level. Their website can be accessed here.

The Twitter feed I was most impressed with is a non-profit that offers advocacy and resources for gifted kids and the people that want to see them continue to exceed. Follow @JeffcoGifted here.

The Prufrock Blog supplies resources and support in encouraging not only gifted and advanced students but also special needs students. The blog can be found here.

Obviously all these links supply resources for the people involved in a gifted student's young life and education but this resource seemed pretty stellar. Gifted Child Today is an open-access journal for parents. Students of any intellectual capability need a strong support system of people that have taken a vested interest in making sure they have the most successful education possible. Find it here.

The article included in the list that jumped out at me the most is titled "Gifted Students Go Dumb to Fit In." Let me tell you, intelligent students at any age do this which never ceases to befuddle me. Read the article here.

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