Tuesday, August 7, 2012


When this article was sent to me I had to remind myself if I had written about being uberly stressed when my mom was unemployed for ten months in the last year. I don't think I did so the writers of this article sent to me from onlinecollege.org is cheerfully titled, "The Secrets to Staying Optimistic While Unemployed." I probably could have benefitted from reading this during those ten months even though I wasn't the one unemployed and my mom was far from stressed.

That being said, this article is very beneficial for all those college students that may face a period of unemployment following graduation. And the tips suggested could be used for any young professional no matter their current employment status.

The first suggestion is to accomplish 5 things every day. Accomplishing things for oneself is always a great feeling. I like to think that making something or doing anything creative could be included in this list. That's actually what my mom did during her unemployment stint.

My other favorite suggestion was to watch the company you keep. The article encourages you to surround yourself with optimistic and upbeat individuals. Also another great idea for life in general.

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