Tuesday, August 7, 2012

New Obsession

Whew! After writing 8 posts commenting on articles sent to me I can finally write about my adventure last week which of course has developed into my latest obsession. Just adding to that already lengthy list...

For four days last week I was kayaking and camping and getting all rivery. It was the first time I had ever kayaked but I loved it within the first mile. I love the feeling of having unlimited strength and being able to do anything I want to do and thats how I feel while kayaking. We did 48 miles in three days and if it was feasible to use kayaking as a main means of transportation, I so would!

Some of the highlights of the trip were the sunflowers that followed us along the entire 48 miles of the river we traveled down; the gigantic sand dune we sprinted down and leapt into the river from during a lunch break; washing my hair in the river as a fish swam past my legs; taking refuge in a farmer's house after a huge storm broke three of our tents and watching the Olympics on mute with Harry and Linda.

The trip was led by my mom's friend Jo. They were best friends in high school and had their first apartment together. They became reacquainted this spring and Jo invited me to be her second camp counselor for this adventure. She is one of the most positive individuals I have ever met and rolls with the punches effortlessly and gracefully. She also was a professional chef at one point so her camp food rocked!

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