Friday, June 8, 2012

One Year

I have now been writing "Good at Summer" for one year and two days. June 6th - the actual anniversary of this blog - was a crazy busy (not!) day spent at the DMV, drinking wine and catching some sun, coffee with Adam, and enjoying Mama Ladas complete with sangria with Kaycee. Obviously no time for blogging.

Before I start talking about this last year I must share my DMV experience. I finally went to get my official grown-up, super legal, 21-year-old license on Wednesday (five days after my birthday). I was there for an hour and half and while I was enjoying that long waiting period I was watching the videos about both families involved in an organ donation and of course, being me, I started to cry. Yes, I cried at the DMV! Thus the ONLY picture I have ever taken in which I am not smiling while showing all my teeth is on my license. The license that I don't renew until 2017...

I am ridiculously proud of the fact that I have written this blog for an entire year. I originally started writing it for a variety of reasons. I knew at the beginning of last summer that I was going to have three months of memorable experiences while living with my grandparents in Spearfish, working at a fish hatchery and not doing anything with fish, exploring other parts of the country with my aunt and uncle, and growing into being a grownup. It only made sense to continue writing it when I was back at Augie.

As I approach another summer of what can only be memorable experiences and my senior year that will be accompanied by a staggering list of bittersweet "lasts", I can only imagine what the posts I write in the next year will look like and how they will define another incredible year in my life. Here's to another year of being good at summer year round and two a second year of blogging.

The first picture ever uploaded to this blog. A Blueberry Pomegranate Fruit Tea Blast at Green Bean

My "Grandpa" Mug

Enjoying the rodeo on the Fourth of July before we started checking out cowboy butts with binoculars

Camille and Grandpa on Duck Day

I am the awesome cousin that taught them how to make s'mores

Sam the S'more Pro

I am also the awesome cousin that took them to a water park for the first time

My summer uniform 

Three friends about to go to another friend's wedding

Solberg ladies at Nick's wedding

My first married friend

Molly Olly and I dancing at Nick's wedding

My best friend

The first occasion in which Matt wore my shorts

The Men of Solberg

Solberg Women at Laura's 22nd birthday

The first reunion for my 1N girls

Four friends at Touch of Europe


My best friend was Homecoming Queen

The second time Matt wore my shorts

Palisades on November 1st!

Three Cousins

Holidays in Solberg

Holidays in Solberg

Holidays in Solberg 


My 1N girls who became PA's

That one time I cut 14 inches off my hair!

Such a beauty!

Spearfish Canyon with my sister! 

Jackie and I in Spearfish Canyon


Who else visits Mt.Rushmore during spring break?

My favorite person


Dance Team Captains!

Sara Bareillis Concert!

Sara Bareillis Concert!

Rachel and I at the PA Benefit

Dressing as our boss

The Man. The Legend. 

I adore her 

Preschool Graduation is a big deal

First 5K!

5K runners!

Reunion with Becca!

He is a stud

My 2N girls 
New Years Eve

Cow. Crap.


My best friend in the entire world would of course jump off a dock fully clothed with me 
A year of being good at summer

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