Tuesday, March 27, 2012

See What Is Invading My Room

As a few previous posts have mentioned, I am absolutely loving my pottery class! Here is an image gallery of my latest collection of pieces.

Vessel made with slabs and coils 

Vessel with texture from my fingers smoothing out the clay

Crochet Coasters

Smaller texture pot that once was larger until I realized I only liked the top so I chopped it off!

Crochet Trinket Box


Heart-shaped Coil Pot

My first attempt at creating a Raku pot and it turned out awesomely and is one of my new favorite things 1

Adding to the jewelry pot collection

Sparkly Jeans

Today I wore what Brytten refers to as my "old-lady shirt." It is really just a lace shirt but I made it a theme and decided that for my old-lady style I would throw on a brooch (because of course I have those!). Rather than wearing the brooch in the traditional place, (which I definitely don't know where that would be) I pinned it to my cuffed jeans!

Monday, March 26, 2012

A Different Take on Mount Rushmore

After reading this next anecdote there will be no doubt that I am truly my grandpa's granddaughter. Good ol' Roger had this idea that became an adventure to add to the list for spring break. He subscribes to a duck raising magazine and the magazine conducts a contest in which readers pose with the magazine in front of famous spots around the world and then have the chance to appear on the cover of the magazine. His idea was for his two eldest granddaughters to pose holding the magazine in front of Mount Rushmore. He thought the editors of the magazine would "get a kick out of that."

Brytten wasn't super pumped about the idea but I loved it. I don't have any of the magazine-holding pics but you can guarantee once we get on the cover I will be talking about it!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bells- More of them!

A quaint little jewelry store in Deadwood has beautiful baubles that tend to be above my price range but they also have these lovely bells at a cool 2 for $3! I bought several each time I went to Deadwood this summer and last night picked up two more. These two look like miniature wizard hats!

A Spearfish/Deadwood Kind of Friday Evening

Last night Jackie and I ventured to Deadwood. In search of a chocolate store we walked basically around the entire city then finally checked out the jewelry stores, had chinese food, tried on ridiculous sunglasses, and ate ice cream. Then to top off our evening we saw "The Lorax" at the Spearfish theater. My grandma wasn't aware that movies show at 8:45...

Friday, March 23, 2012

A Spearfish Kind of Friday Morning

Where: The Green Bean (my favorite coffee shop in all the land)

Company: Jackie Miles

Accompanying Music playing through my owl headphones: Adele station on Pandora
- Look for a post on these headphones at a later date!

Drink: Blueberry Pomegranate Fruit Tea Blast (the very first blogpost featured this drink, which is quite possibly the greatest thing ever!)

Task: Completing a really crap-tastic English midterm before we journey to Deadwood this afternoon and reward ourselves with jewelry purchases

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Looking Smart

This entire event would be impossible to completely describe in perfect detail but at one point my aunt Jackie said to my uncle John, "Honey, look dumber."
If that gives you some perspective...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Good Things Come In Three's

As any good traveler to Spearfish should do, Jackie and I journeyed through Spearfish Canyon twice today. The second time we picked Brytten up and grabbed coffee for a little spin through the canyon. The best feeling is when you are surrounded by people who love you and know you better than you know yourself most days. These two incredible women fall under that category.

Monday, March 19, 2012

"Does it Feel Like You are Back Home?"

This is quite possibly the best week ever. I am sitting at my favorite coffee shop -The Green Bean- in my favorite place in the world -Spearfish- with two of my favorite people- my best friend, Jackie and my sister, Brytten. Jackie and I hit the road around 6:30 this morning and then drove a little bit on the fast side and pulled into my grandparents' driveway at 10:45 a.m. A.K.A. in record time!

Thus far in the day Jackie and I have taken two naps, visited the ducks, had lunch at Guadalajara's with my grandpa, drove to Belle Fourche for chicken feed, and are now sitting on the couches at the Green Bean. After I had picked Brytten up at her dorm room she asked from my backseat, if it felt like I was back home. It indeed does.

Jackie, Brytten and I came with the intention of doing homework but so far we have simply been listening to Brytten's stories she spews in between winks of a nap. We are now fully aware of the fact that she pulls hairs out of her boyfriends back (sooooo gross!), has been practicing her Donald Duck voice and has been told once she gets more comfortable with it she will be able to speak naturally (naturally, as in Donald Duck, of course), and she informed us that flies can lay about 1,000 eggs at a time. I am not sure if I believe that one...

Maybe whenever I am with Brytten, I am home.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bowl of Bracelets

I like that clay can come together on imperfect terms and create something lovely. This particular pot doesn't have a perfect construction or glazing but I love it and it is the second piece in my jewelery-pot collection

Friday, March 9, 2012

Sitting in the Sunshine

Colored glass bottles sitting on my giant windowsill in my dorm room are one of my favorite things and actually that giant windowsill is a primary reason of why I prefer living and working in Solberg rather than Bergsaker. Another one of my favorite things is that my friend, Kirsten knows that a perfect thank-you gift for me is colored glass bottles.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Starting my Pottery Collection

My absolute favorite class this semester is Ceramics. The last time I took a ceramics class was my senior year in high school. Taking that class was kind of a fluke situation because I had been enrolled in Anatomy but then pulling a very Sanna-like move I fainted during two of the first three class periods. My teacher eventually called my mom (super cool) and advised me taking something else for "my own health." Thus my career in pottery began. When I took it in high school we had five set projects we had to do and really no room for a whole lot of creativity. Also, I was really stingy and saved all the pieces for myself except one bowl that I of course, gave to my grandpa.

Now as a junior in college I am taking possibly the best college course ever! We have all the liberty possible to make whatever we want and any amount of pieces we want. Also my stinginess is gone and I am preparing to give pottery gifts for every major occasion in the next year or so. Yesterday I buckled a huge vessel into my backseat to drive home and show my mom. A.K.A. I am getting to the obsessed point with creating pottery.

Here is my first round of creations...

This small bowl will forever and always hold these gold bangles

I might need to make special bowls for every bracelet I own 

I am most proud of this piece. It is so massive it echoes when I talk into it!

Flower pot for my grandpa!
Coasters! I rolled crochet with clay and am quite thrilled with the final product and have more sets coming!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Life of a Dorm-Room Dweller

As I prepare for a fourth and final year living in a dorm room in a building built in the 1960's I have realized that I am very good at making the smallest, somewhat bleak spaces into a lovely place to live. I was quite impressed by my 12' 1/5" x 15' 9" room and the fact that Solberg has a laundry room, a fake fireplace and roof access that I just so happen to know about. But then I was asked by Bestcollegesonline.com to incorporate a recent article, "The 10 Most Modern Dorms in the World" from their blog into one of my posts.

Check out the article here: http://www.bestcollegesonline.com/blog/2012/02/29/the-10-most-modern-dorms-in-the-world/

Wow! These dorms are absolutely astounding! My personal favorite was Tietgen Dormitory at Copenhagen University. I did a post about windows back in December. I would love to live in one of these 'windows in the skies.'

Tietgen Dormitory at Copenhagen University
Another intriguing building is Cite A Docks, a dorm building at Royaume-Uni in La Havre, France. This building is made entirely of shipping containers.

sh 290910 06 Ingenious Project : 100 Student Dorm Rooms Made From Shipping Containers
Cite A Docks at Royaume-Uni
Ok so these truly epic buildings might seem like they put good ol' Solbergio to shame but this lovely building that I have called home for nearly three years is still one of my favorite places in the world!