Wednesday, December 21, 2011

And To Love I Rhapsodize

Since Fall Break, I have wanted to do a blog post about windows. My original intentions were to devote an entire day to driving around Sioux Falls taking pictures of windows but then I was searching through all my old photos and found oodles and oodles and oodles. The photos came easily and then I recognized the beauty in the lyrics of "Windows in the Skies" by U2. Hence the following the blog post.

I find windows very artful. I like to think about how many people have looked through my three dorm windows at Augie. They saw the same thing I did but at various times through history. I like that Jackie and I have shared two of the same windows.
My dorm window


The shackles are undone
The bullet's quit the gun

The heat that's in the sun
Will keep us when there's none


The rule has been disproved
The stone it has been moved

Railcar at the D.C. Booth Fish Hatchery 

The grave is now a groove
All debts are removed

150-year-old plantation in Louisiana 

Oh can't you see what our love has done
Oh can't you see what our love has done
Oh can't you see what our love has done
What it's doing to me

Looking out the bus window to the Gulf of Mexico 

Love makes strange enemies

Makes love where love may please


The soul and its striptease
Atlanta, Georgia

Hate brought to its knees

Atlanta, Georgia
The sky over our head
We can reach it from our bed

Atlanta, Georgia

You let me in your heart
And out of my head
Giraffe in the Omaha Zoo

Oh can't you see what our love has done
Oh can't you see what our love has done
Oh can't you see what our love has done
What it's doing to me

Old Market in Omaha 

I know I hurt you and I made you cry
Did everything but murder you and I

Old Market in Omaha 

Our love left a window in the skies
And to love I rhapsodize
Old Market in Omaha

Oh can't you see what love has done
To every broken heart

Old Market in Omaha 

Oh can't you see what love has done
For every heart that cries

My grandpa's '53 Ford Pickup 

Love left a window in the skies
And to love I rhapsodize

Matthews Opera House in Spearfish
Oh can't you see

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