Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Being Extremely Good at Summer

It is only May 23 and I have tan lines, sun-bleached hair and freckled shoulders and knee caps. I forgot just how good at summer I am. On Sunday my Solberg staff was able to move out of the dorms at 5 p.m. but we didn't leave until about 9:30 p.m. because we had spent the afternoon grilling at Matt's house and gorging on grapes and then jumping off docks into lakes fully clothed. Totally worth it. The rest of this week will include runs through neighborhoods lined with full, green trees, hiking at Devil's Gulch, movie nights, and then road-tripping to Spearfish with my mom on Friday. I will go horse back riding and hiking and run through the sprinklers with my sister and cousins all weekend.

This is the first time I am living at home for an extended amount of time in two years and it is a little weird. My mom's cat, Ted, doesn't know quite what to think of me. I joked with my hall director that I am PA-ing my house by utilizing our kitchen's chalkboard for passive programming techniques. And my mom and I are having one-on-ones frequently that involve going for a walk and sitting on our front steps with a bottle of wine.

Bachelorsdegreesonline contacted me and wanted me to share their recent post about the ideal ways for college students to spend their summers. Check out their awesome article for some inspiration.

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