Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A New Do becomes Prayer

As I have been saying for the past 10 days, this is going to be a big year of great significance. Yesterday was the first ginormous thing that will be memorable for 2012!

My second cousin, Megan was diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer in Stage IV over the summer. She is only 23 which makes it even more stunning and my sister and I have looked at it as though it could happen to one of us, making it that more real.

Prior to yesterday I had very long hair and now I have 14 inches fewer that became a donation in honor of Megan. I put a picture up on Facebook with the intention that Megan, her parents, and her four siblings could see and know that there are people praying for her all day, every day. I have never been good at sitting down and intentionally praying, but my mom, Brytten and I believe that actions are forms of prayer. Cutting my hair was simply a prayer for Megan. That picture on Facebook got over 125 "likes" which is absolutely astounding to me but I like to think of it as 125 prayers for Megan and her family.

Cutting my hair will probably remain one of the ways I always remember 2012.

I also saw a strong resemblance in myself to the princess in "Tangled"...



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