Friday, January 13, 2012

Best Friday Morning of 2012/EVER

This morning after 5 hours of sleep my mom picked me up armed with coffee to go to an estate sale. This was quite the event. We had to park a ways a way, take a number and wait for about an hour, part of time in the frigid cold and the other part in the car. I had my Michael Jackson notebook in hand studying for my test this afternoon. When we were waiting outside and knew we would be let into the house soon a woman walked out with an amazing rocking chair. I whacked my mom, as is my tendency to do when I am excited and exclaimed that we had to get in there. Once we did, we were stunned.

There were more rooms then I could count including a two-level attic and a perfect room with hardwood floors, oodles of windows and built in bookshelves that would be an ideal library. There were treasures lining every inch of the house. We quickly realized that we had the best attitudes to be scrounging for things we just had to have surrounded by a plethora of people quickly growing crabbier and crabbier. My mom and I just loved it. After an entire process that took about two and a half hours we exited the wonderful house with lovely new trinkets just in time to get in another hour of studying!

The whole morning is going down as one of my favorite mornings of 2012

Dainty porcelain mug

Autograph book from 1959 filled with humorous messages to the owner

Purse that I will probably carry everyday starting in April... or when I get utterly sick of winter in March

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