Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Perfect Melody

There always seems to be a perfect song for every day, every week, every season, even every year. I truly believe that music can be the best motivator for college students. I have playlists for doing homework, working out, having dance parties with myself, and for roadtripping. And all of my favorite songs go into a playlist called H-A-P-P-Y! It also never fails to crack me up when I look at my list of recently added songs and the unique mix it always is. Here are my most recent song purchases to take a gander at:

The entire "Ceremonials" album by Florence + The Machine

"Charlie Brown" by Coldplay

"This Will Be (An Everlasting Love)" by Natalie Cole

"Miracle Drug" by U2

"Life in Technicolor" by Coldplay

"Don't Stop (Color on the Walls)" by Foster the People

Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Slick 2012

My high aspirations for 2012 have not lessened in the least, even as my least favorite month of the year is winding down. Yesterday I went sledding with a group of my favorite people and got some much needed vitamin D courtesy of the sunshine. Simple moments of holding hands with some of my best friends and shimmying down a slick hill remind me of all the incredible people I have in my life and how could 2012 not be a good year?!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I Need Some Color

I have January-itis. And I have it bad. I spent a large chunk of my week looking at pictures from this summer and pretending I was tan and swaying in a hammock while eating a popsicle. I had wanted to post a picture from Spearfish (shocking, I know!) but then found this one from backpacking in the Bighorns that hasn't been posted yet. The vivid color is quite the mood booster and might prevent me from going outside in sandals and without a coat for at least a couple more weeks!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Desperately Seeking Summer

It goes without saying that I love summer and everything about summer. Thus all this snow and coldness is starting to get to me. In the last couple days I have found three ways to combat wintery blues!

1. Walk around in a green house and feel the summer-like warmth.

2. Instead of painting a power nail, paint a sunny nail. Paint your ring fingernails yellow and the other nails an equally cheerful summer color.

3. Wear sandals when you don't have to go outside. Use rule two on your toenails.

In reference to that third statement, I wouldn't be surprised if I start wearing sandals outside soon...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Happy Thesaurus Day!

Today is my best friend Jackie's birthday. It also happens to be National Thesaurus Day which only makes sense that my love for words would be celebrated on the day of birth of someone I love very much. Jackie is truly a quintessential best friend.

My latest television obsession is How I Met Your Mother. In one episode Lily discusses the concept of the "Front Porch Test." This test determines whom you will sit on your front porch with in old age. My family and Jackie's family will definitely honor the Front Porch Test.

I could have posted 22 pictures of the two of us but that might have been just a little excessive!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Best Friday Morning of 2012/EVER

This morning after 5 hours of sleep my mom picked me up armed with coffee to go to an estate sale. This was quite the event. We had to park a ways a way, take a number and wait for about an hour, part of time in the frigid cold and the other part in the car. I had my Michael Jackson notebook in hand studying for my test this afternoon. When we were waiting outside and knew we would be let into the house soon a woman walked out with an amazing rocking chair. I whacked my mom, as is my tendency to do when I am excited and exclaimed that we had to get in there. Once we did, we were stunned.

There were more rooms then I could count including a two-level attic and a perfect room with hardwood floors, oodles of windows and built in bookshelves that would be an ideal library. There were treasures lining every inch of the house. We quickly realized that we had the best attitudes to be scrounging for things we just had to have surrounded by a plethora of people quickly growing crabbier and crabbier. My mom and I just loved it. After an entire process that took about two and a half hours we exited the wonderful house with lovely new trinkets just in time to get in another hour of studying!

The whole morning is going down as one of my favorite mornings of 2012

Dainty porcelain mug

Autograph book from 1959 filled with humorous messages to the owner

Purse that I will probably carry everyday starting in April... or when I get utterly sick of winter in March

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A New Do becomes Prayer

As I have been saying for the past 10 days, this is going to be a big year of great significance. Yesterday was the first ginormous thing that will be memorable for 2012!

My second cousin, Megan was diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer in Stage IV over the summer. She is only 23 which makes it even more stunning and my sister and I have looked at it as though it could happen to one of us, making it that more real.

Prior to yesterday I had very long hair and now I have 14 inches fewer that became a donation in honor of Megan. I put a picture up on Facebook with the intention that Megan, her parents, and her four siblings could see and know that there are people praying for her all day, every day. I have never been good at sitting down and intentionally praying, but my mom, Brytten and I believe that actions are forms of prayer. Cutting my hair was simply a prayer for Megan. That picture on Facebook got over 125 "likes" which is absolutely astounding to me but I like to think of it as 125 prayers for Megan and her family.

Cutting my hair will probably remain one of the ways I always remember 2012.

I also saw a strong resemblance in myself to the princess in "Tangled"...



Monday, January 9, 2012

A Colorful Year

My mom gave me sharpies for Christmas in this...

And then I created these...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Best Year Ever

I tend to have high expectations for every aspect of my life and my expectations for how awesome 2012 is going to be are quite high. I am getting a very good vibe about this year. I have about 18 resolutions including being incredibly productive every day, always having my nails painted, wearing sparkly things and maintaining the relationships in my life especially as so many of my friends leave Augie and go off into the real world. This year is going to be lovely and I can't wait to see all the amazing things that happen!
Jackie and I 'reigning' in the New Year