Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Domesticity in the Dorm Room

As much as it sometimes pains my mother, and my grandmother, I am not very domestic. I can't keep plants alive, I hate ironing, and I bake only once a year- always very begrudgingly. I would much rather mow lawns, grill summer food to perfection and put siding on a chicken coop- all of which I did while living with my grandpa last summer. So when I do happen to lean more on the domestic side I find it pertinent to document the moment.

That's not even my iron... It is however my Little Black Dress

Truth: I stole those branches from the Palisades
On Easter Sunday after my holiday festivities were over I went to Walmart and had quite the epic purchase. $13 dollars bought me coffee creamer, a nail buffer, red nail polish, eyeshadow and this houseplant. Cross your fingers on this one! I obviously didn't have a proper flower pot for this exotic plant so I deemed my "hot girl" mug appropriate. I also enjoy the irony because I doubt these chicklets from the 50's were too domestic!

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