Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Definitely my Mother's Daughter

For those of you that don't know- my mom paints EVERYTHING! I am most definitely becoming her especially as I have taken to painting glass bottles.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Rainy Afternoon in a Dorm Room

Tips on enjoying a rainy afternoon:

Listen to the Adele station on Pandora in combination with the rain pattering against the window
Read a good book
Eat mini marshmallows

Winter Weather

Driving in ridiculous winter weather has prompted me to buy an exorbitant amount of nail polish this season. After this morning of driving a friend to her internship and being on the edge of my seat I decided the best stress reliever was painting my nails. And then I jumped the gun a little too quickly on writing this post and got some pink glitter polish on the "J" key of my keyboard.

Also as soon as I finish painting my nails the only thing I can think of doing is digging into an orange...

Sunday, February 26, 2012


In Alice in Wonderland the Mad Hatter says to Alice, "You used to be much more... muchier. You've lost your muchness."

After some other interesting conversations that I won't post about (My mom should be very thankful!) my mom randomly brought up this quote when we were sitting at Barnes and Noble today. We concurred that I have gained my muchness while being in college. The whole point of college is to develop into the person that we want to be. I know I have done that. My muchness has been achieved!

Also I have decided I am going to relight my goal of publishing a novel. When I was really little my goal was to have a novel published by the time I was 16. I have bumped that goal up to 38. Watch out world, it will happen!

Saturday, February 18, 2012


While listening to my new favorite song (Specks by Matt Pond PA) I gave a new vibe to glass bottles that once contained Starbucks Vanilla Lattes. I painted the insides with multiple coats of Indian Turquoise and Pistachio Mint (which sounds like a delightful ice cream flavor) and created lovely little vases.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


These two people are always in my list of favorite people but during the past week they did extraordinary things for me without even realizing it. I was able to let my guard down for basically the first time in my life when the thought of not having my grandpa around to be my best friend became a realization for the first time and when Camille told me to get my head out of my ass (but not in those terms, she is 5, afterall).

So here are my unsung heroes of the week. The people that have helped me become a better version of myself.

Happy Valentines Day!

Love forever and ever

Monday, February 13, 2012

Thursdays are Back!

My new favorite thing to compliment my short do is wearing earrings that are longer than my hair. Earrings used to get lost in my waves of hair. Last Thursday I brought back my tradition of buying $5 earrings on my favorite day of the week at World Market. Camille helped me pick them out.

After spending so much time with me it will be amazing if she doesn't turn into an extremely girly-girl!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Starting Early

Everyone in my family is a big coffee drinker. Case in point: Brytten has been fueling up since she was 4! It used to stun waitresses when a little toe-headed blonde girl with freckles ordered coffee. Well I am starting on the youngest member of the family. On Thursday I picked Camille up from daycare and we went to Caribou. While she only had a White Chocolate Hot Chocolate she is well on her way to mastering the coffee-shop vibe. We had a lovely afternoon.

She is such a pro!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dance Family

These pictures from pre-season of dance team this summer recently resurfaced. Back in August we weren't the team we are now. Now we love spending every game together, eating walking tacos and talking about life. We send each other texts at midnight after a really great date and we have "un-hygenic" breakfasts in the wee hours of the morning. Just as I have my family within Solberg, I have my dance team family and I truly love these girls!