Monday, December 26, 2011


This is the first year in three years that my mom, Brytten and I have spent Christmas in Spearfish. And it was wonderful. I spent these six days with my wonderful family, riding horses, working in the shop with my grandpa, tending to the chickens and the ducks, wrapping presents, eating cookies, running in my new sneaks, watching movies, becoming obsessed with How I Met Your Mother and thus telling Abbie to "Suit Up."
Spearfish Creek 
 I rode John's new horse, Chico and Jackie's horse, Sven and now am determined to own my own horse someday. Pictures of horses have been added to my 'dream book' from Jackie.

After my mom made a simple comment about needing a button for one of her projects my grandpa got up from the table and went out to his shop. He came back carrying a big white cement bucket and made us guess what was in it. The guesses included cement, baby ducks, and eggs. False. The huge bucket was filled with buttons and he purchased the whole thing at an auction.

While my grandpa and I were working in the shop on Christmas Eve for about a ba-jillion hours we came across the box that holds the cradle that all new babies in the family sleep in. He pointed it out to me and then asked if I still plan on using it. Good grief.

Spearfish Creek 
During a convo between my grandpa and I, we expressed the fact that we are each other's favorite people.

Spearfish Creek 
Today I stole the mini-van, blasted the road trip cd's I made and drove around my favorite town. I stopped at the Green Bean like I did nearly everyday this summer, went downtown and made a few purchases and then walked around the park. I strolled over to the fish hatchery and found it humorous that besides being a PA, my favorite job I have ever had was working at a fish hatchery.

One of my purchases was a future-teacher present for Abbie and this wonderful old book that will eventually go in my library.

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