Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 365

The last day of a year makes people reminisce about the last 365 days and look forward to the next 365. 2011 flew by and was absolutely wonderful and I have no doubt that 2012 is going to be even better, if that is even possible!

Yesterday I got to see my friend Laura for the first time since May which was delightful. I also have been able to hang out with Jenny a lot this break. 2012 will ring in our 9th year of being friends.

The Lovely Laura

2012 will make me a senior in college and will start my last year as a PA in Solberg. I will see some of my best friends graduate from college and will begin my 'grown-up' friendships with them. I will continue to see my two groups of girls do phenomenal things and I will meet the final batch of girls that I will be a PA to.

2012 is going to rock and I am going to do great 'Sanna' things!

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