Monday, June 20, 2011

A Sanna-Like Monday Evening

I have wheels! 4 of them! Not 2! And a car key... to an actual car... that is mine! For the first time in my life! I am still so astonished by this that yesterday I attempted to put the key for my bike lock in my ignition. Haha that was a proud moment for myself! But can you blame me? For the last twenty years my only forms of transportation have been my very generous vehicle-endowed friends (who can't actually believe that I finally have a car) and my own strong legs pedaling my 8-year-old bicycle.

Thus I am celebrating by doing one of the things that I do best... going out for coffee! I am currently sitting at one of my favorite places- The Green Bean- in my favorite place in the world- Spearfish. It is only 60 degrees outside and the air still feels like the rain that fell all day but I am sitting outside on the roofed-deck that is stained a rustic green. Lovely. Usually this deck is filled with people but I am the only one braving the balmy weather right now! I have my playlist entitled H-A-P-P-Y playing and I parked so that I can gaze lovingly at my car. I also did that this morning when I was working out with my uncle so that while I was in the plank I could smile at my car. My grandpa and I came to the conclusion that no one could ever possibly be more excited about a 14 year-old car than I am. My drink of choice is simple brewed coffee (decaf because I am going hiking tomorrow morning at 6 a.m.) with honey and cinnamon.

Earlier today I was at my aunt Jackie's house and as I usually do when I go to her house I made a beeline for the corner of her kitchen cabinet where she keeps all of her jewelry. I picked up a gorgeous bracelet and commented on how beautiful it was and how much I liked it. She laughed and said that it was the other part of my birthday present that she had forgotten to give to me three weeks ago. After a series of photos of the bracelet on my wrist that just annoyed me, I came up with this solution to display my new bauble.

A few weeks ago during a wedding I was sitting by one of the fish ponds reading my favorite summer book when my boss pulled up and hopped out of her van and took this picture. I found it today when I was going through photos from yesterday's Father's Day events and think it just looks like summer and thus deserves a spot on this blog.

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