Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Magic of Four-Year-Olds

Last night, my grandparents, my little cousins and I were sitting at the table eating dessert (my Grandpa's homemade Raspberry Rhubarb Pie) and drinking coffee. My grandpa was reading an instruction manual on how to fix something on my car and when he got frustrated he said, "Well this is a pain in my butt-erosis." This odd exclamation made me projectile spit out my swig of coffee onto the clean tablecloth- sorry Grandma! My four-year-old cousin, Camille found this entire series of events hilarious and then spent a good rest of the evening asking me to take a drink because she had something funny to tell me or a joke that I later learned she obviously made up. Her determination to see me spit out my coffee again seemed to me to be the definition of a very early wonderful sense of humor. She saw something funny and wanted to make it happen again. However, this is what her jokes consist of:

Camille: "Knock, Knock"
Me: "Who's there?"
Camille: "Orange"
Me: "Orange, who?'
Camille: "Orange you glad you didn't slip on a banana peel and an eyeball?!"

We traipsed through the backyard with her on my shoulders. She frequently commented on how big we were stacked together. Also, upon walking to the creek she proclaimed that it look awkward with not very much water in it... : )

We are quite bonded : )

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