Saturday, July 2, 2011

I Am Not Writing This Because I Was Told To Write About Her... ; )

I am currently watching a movie called, "Charade." It was released in 1963, the same year my mom was born, and stars Cary Grant and my sister's favorite icon, Audrey Hepburn. I have always noticed many similarities between the famous actress and my equally stunning sister. During one scene of this movie Audrey Hepburn's character is wearing a red wool coat with big gold buttons and a leopard print hat. She is being interrogated by a member of the CIA about the illegal activities of her husband who was recently murdered. When the CIA agent informs her that her husband was wanted by the U.S. government her response is, "Can I have a sandwich?" Just like Brytten. They are both dainty, classically beautiful, a little (maybe a lot) bit quirky and they even move similarly- somewhat gracefully with a bit a pent up nervous energy.

Very Audrey-esque
I am also sorry that it has taken me so long to give them the recognition they both deserve on this blog! My lovely sister is even getting her own label now!  

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