Monday, July 11, 2011

Coffee and Creeks

This morning in a tweet I said I was getting all "coffeed up." It was only a matter of time before I modified the word coffee to every part of speech including verbs. Now I am coffeely sitting here at The Green Bean listening to Coldplay and hating that Chris Martin is married Gwyneth Paltrow because I can't stand her and she should never sing, especially an Adele song on Glee which made me promptly turn off my T.V. Anyway... I have decided what makes Spearfish so great. This rather small town has the greatest coffee shop per capita I have ever seen and there is the Spearfish Creek that streams through the entire town, including my grandparents' backyard. I want to always live in a place that is abundant with coffee and creeks. On that note, wouldn't it be the most wonderful thing if there was a creek made of coffee? That sounds a little Charlie-and-the-Chocolate-Factory-esque. I think I have had too much coffee and may just be over-coffeed.

Pretend like you can hear the rushing current while looking at these pictures.

By the way, that water is always freezing. Yet, I stick my feet in it practically every time I am in the park, which is everyday.

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