Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Treasure Chests

One of my favorite stories about Camille will always be when she showed me all her prized possessions that she keeps in a shoe box. She was only four or five but you would have thought the mood bracelets, some bracelets I had made for her and costume jewelry were all family heirlooms she had coveted for years. The best part was when she asked, "Do you want to see my treasures?"

Who would say no to that?

Before I got engaged I was in ceramics throwing pots on the wheel and this little tiny pot presented itself. I knew that I would need something to hold my ring in a few weeks so I carved in a heart. I usually sign my pots with SJ and a heart but on this one I added my future last initial. Yes, I did this before I was even engaged. Details...

This is my treasure chest.

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