Saturday, August 25, 2012

Stocking Up on Pencils

Back to school shopping is upon us. Whether you are like my cousin, Camille and entering Kindergarten or like me and entering your senior year in college you need a whole lot of stuff. I have always loved buying school supplies and picking out the best pencils or notebooks with the best designs. And when gel pens came out when I was in elementary, I was done for!

This article was sent to me from and is titled, "60 Best Money-Saving Tips for this Back-to-School Season."

Number 15 on the list is "Make a beeline for the sales rack." Excellent idea and I love the wording.

Another one on the list is to pool with friends. This is such a great idea! Hit up Sam's Club and buy a pack of about a ba-jillion pens and divide them up throughout your friends.

"Do a clothing swap" is also a highlight of the list. Siblings tend to do this at the start of every school year but friends might as well get in on the act as well!

There is a section devoted to furnishing your dorm room as well. The list encourages looking at alternative ideas for inexpensive furniture like at IKEA or on Craigslist.

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