Friday, June 15, 2012

To Summer School or Not to Summer School?

A new website geared for college students,, contacted me to post about their recent blog post discussing the benefits of college students taking summer classes. I am not the expert on summer classes because I was able to avoid taking any during my entire college career. However, practically all of my friends at Augie and other schools have taken several during their college careers.

My friend, Chris is taking Econ this summer to get ahead and not have to worry about taking it in conjunction with three science classes during a normal semester. I am super helpful and text him ridiculous pick-up lines to help pass the time and distract him while learning about supply and demand.

Here's my fave:

Are you a parking ticket because you have FINE written all over you!

So for those of you that are more diligent with your studies during the school year check out this new article here

I poked around the website and there are a plethora of other beneficial articles for college students and young adults looking to the next stage in life to check out!

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