Friday, April 27, 2012

1/5th Life Crisis

Several of my posts have started this way but this is why my mom is so awesome: Tonight I explained to her that I believe I am having a 1/5th life crisis. Obviously I plan on living to at least 100. She first laughed at the title for this mindset and then listened to me go on and on in a very Sanna-like manner that she knows too well and better than anyone else. After I finished with my spiel she looked me square in the eyes and said that it is far from a crisis of any portion of my life and rather it is exactly how I should be thinking as a 20-year-old. We are definitely kindred spirits.

Lately I have been thinking about all the amazing things I want to do and discover all over the world. These ideas have always been present in my mind but I have always been limited by a lack of monetary funding. I have every intention of not having that frustrating roadblock in the very near future. I don't want to ever look back on my life and regret not having done something or not experiencing something I always wanted to.

As my facebook status proclaimed the other day, I want to "travel the world with a suitcase full of dresses and buy pottery." I want my toes to dig into sands on beaches in every corner of the globe. I want to be constantly learning and making various places my classrooms and people all over the world my teachers. Hell, I want to have to get shots to prevent every possible disease in the far-reaches of the world. And if this plan involves meeting a real-life Javier Bardem ala Eat, Pray, Love-style, so be it.

The subtitle of this blog since its inception has been announcing my constant mission of self-discovery. The other day when I wasn't distracted by my own thoughts and need for exploration I was working on an upcoming group project in which I had to read a critique of Tennessee Williams. In this article the author wrote that Williams had a "compulsive project of self-exploration." This is precisely how I feel. In a little over a month I will drink a glass of wine and toast myself and all the exciting things that are going to present themselves during the next 80 or so years.


  1. So, I decided that since we're twitter friends it wouldn't be super creepy if I commented on this. I do so mainly because you and I have a lot of similarities when it comes to things we want to do with our lives. In the terms of living to be 100 - me too, but I plan on living forever. Not in such a simplistic way though. Because of technology and how we're advancing as a species live longevity is starting to grow at an exponential rate. Check out and check out what people are accomplishing! Its fascinating. I understand your plight with money as well, I'm constantly in that bind and it sucks. Eventually I want to go be poor in Europe, so we'll see how that goes. Anyway, nice entry. No clue this is how you thought :)

  2. I don't find it creepy at all, I appreciate the comment! I will definitely check this out. Thanks for the suggestion! We should chat about life sometime!
