Friday, March 2, 2012

Starting my Pottery Collection

My absolute favorite class this semester is Ceramics. The last time I took a ceramics class was my senior year in high school. Taking that class was kind of a fluke situation because I had been enrolled in Anatomy but then pulling a very Sanna-like move I fainted during two of the first three class periods. My teacher eventually called my mom (super cool) and advised me taking something else for "my own health." Thus my career in pottery began. When I took it in high school we had five set projects we had to do and really no room for a whole lot of creativity. Also, I was really stingy and saved all the pieces for myself except one bowl that I of course, gave to my grandpa.

Now as a junior in college I am taking possibly the best college course ever! We have all the liberty possible to make whatever we want and any amount of pieces we want. Also my stinginess is gone and I am preparing to give pottery gifts for every major occasion in the next year or so. Yesterday I buckled a huge vessel into my backseat to drive home and show my mom. A.K.A. I am getting to the obsessed point with creating pottery.

Here is my first round of creations...

This small bowl will forever and always hold these gold bangles

I might need to make special bowls for every bracelet I own 

I am most proud of this piece. It is so massive it echoes when I talk into it!

Flower pot for my grandpa!
Coasters! I rolled crochet with clay and am quite thrilled with the final product and have more sets coming!

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