Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Yesterday I took full advantage of having four wheels to my name and road-tripped down to Omaha for the day to visit Ashleigh, one of my last-year-girls who now attends UN-Omaha and Rachel, one of my best friends from high school who attends Creighton. Besides for my little detour through Iowa when I got slightly lost - which turned out to be quite lovely because I found myself on a picturesque back highway lined with fall colors- the drive was quite relaxing. I had a little jam session and dance party with myself the entire way.

When I finally got into Omaha I had a coffee date with Ashleigh at the "half-Scooters, half-bank" in Old Market. I then had awesome sushi with Rachel at Blue also in Old Market. We sat in black leather couches and everything and I had one of my favorite things ever (!) - green tea ice cream.

I had originally expected to have all sorts of time in Omaha but instead I spent more time with Ashleigh and Rachel thus I didn't get any pictures taken for this blog and didn't purchase anything to show pictures of, which was probably a blessing on my bank account. However, I have some pictures from another trip to Omaha from a couple years ago that show why I love that area so much!

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