Friday, August 5, 2011

Pre-Bighorns Post

Obviously you are all anxiously waiting for me to post about my backpacking trip to the Bighorns. Don't worry it is on its way. I first have to compile all my pictures and all of John's pictures and plot how to perfectly write a post about my amazing trip and do justice to the incredibly beautiful world that I saw and lived in for four days. All in good time my friends!

That being said...

I got back to my second home -Spearfish- and after taking a somewhat-needed shower and shaving the forest growing on my legs and in my arm pits, I listened to my iTunes playlist entitled Theme Songs, chased three chickens back into their coop, told my four-year-old cousin Camille that I was a mermaid in a former life and agreed with my six-year-old cousin Sam when he said I was magical.

After supper the grandkids made smore's. Sam and Camille toasted their own marshmallows for the first time and I taught Sam multiplication by explaining two times three with marshmallows.

Oh! So heavy!!

Over the Head!

The kid is a good marshmallow roaster!

Smore's fans!

After we had enjoyed our smore's and washed our faces (and ears) we "worked out" as Camille suggested. Sam's life plan at six is to become an underwater photographer. I had him test out his dry land photography skills with my camera while Camille led me in our "workout."

Photo Credit: Samuel Roger Cook

Photo Credit: Samuel Roger Cook 

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