Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Living With My Mom Pt. 1

Last summer, I lived with my grandparents in Spearfish which was such an experience that it prompted me to start this blog. Now I am living at home with my mom for the first time in two years. Last summer was just my mom and Brytten and now it is just me and my mom.

Let me tell ya, it's a little weird.

I have been joking with some of my friends that there is no doubt that I will be a different person in the fall after this summer living with my mama. My mom and I have the same humor which manifests itself in an ability to make fairly dirty jokes and appreciate each other's ability to do so that we will probably end up high-fiving each sexually explicit joke that is uttered this summer.

This past weekend we road-tripped to Spearfish. I created quite possibly the most perfect road trip playlist for my mom and I and our twelve hours in the super-cool (not so much) mini van. I am not sure if it is a good or bad thing that my mom and I know all the words to the same forty or so songs...

My First 5K

I ran my first 5K on May 12, so yes, a little late to be blogging about it. However, it was one of the greatest and most positive experiences I have ever had and deserves a spot on this blog because the event truly emulated what I feel this blog's purpose is. Running the Avera Breast Cancer Race for the Cure with some of my best friends - Jackie, Adam, Rachel, and Molly - was my kickoff to what can only be a phenomenal summer.

At 8 a.m. on one of the first beautiful Saturdays of the season, 600 10K runners and 2,100 5K runner gathered to run. We ran through a beautiful neighborhood in Sioux Falls and I don't think I have ever been in a such a large group in which every person had a positive attitude. If everyone could experience an event like this frequently in their lifetime I think we would have a much happier world population.

Jackie, Rachel and I are running our next 5K on July 14th through Spearfish Canyon. Running in my favorite place in the world? I will be one delighted lady!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Being Extremely Good at Summer

It is only May 23 and I have tan lines, sun-bleached hair and freckled shoulders and knee caps. I forgot just how good at summer I am. On Sunday my Solberg staff was able to move out of the dorms at 5 p.m. but we didn't leave until about 9:30 p.m. because we had spent the afternoon grilling at Matt's house and gorging on grapes and then jumping off docks into lakes fully clothed. Totally worth it. The rest of this week will include runs through neighborhoods lined with full, green trees, hiking at Devil's Gulch, movie nights, and then road-tripping to Spearfish with my mom on Friday. I will go horse back riding and hiking and run through the sprinklers with my sister and cousins all weekend.

This is the first time I am living at home for an extended amount of time in two years and it is a little weird. My mom's cat, Ted, doesn't know quite what to think of me. I joked with my hall director that I am PA-ing my house by utilizing our kitchen's chalkboard for passive programming techniques. And my mom and I are having one-on-ones frequently that involve going for a walk and sitting on our front steps with a bottle of wine.

Bachelorsdegreesonline contacted me and wanted me to share their recent post about the ideal ways for college students to spend their summers. Check out their awesome article for some inspiration.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Pottery

I often describe things as my favorite thing ever but one prominent "favorite thing ever" this semester was working in the pottery studio. I loved the music that played throughout the studio, the feel of the clay in its various stages running between my fingers, the warmth of a piece that has just come out of the bisque kiln, and of course the final product coming out of the kilns. I like to put the final products in my hands and envision where in my future apartment or house they will take up residence or who I will give the piece to.

I love how this piece came out with what looks like lipstick marks on each side of the pot

My Kindred Spirit

My best friend, Becca is finally back after departing for India back on December 27th. Our reunion was filled with hugs, coffee and marveling at how much we missed each other and love each other. She brought me back a beautiful scarf she purchased in Darjeeling and authentic Indian bangles. She knows me too well!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Clay Art.

I started using a pottery wheel to throw my pots late in the semester and spent the majority of this last semester hand-building fairly massive pieces. Now since I have started throwing I have created about 35 pots. Here is a sampling of the first batch.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

My New Mantra

I am going to bump it to 24 when I graduate with my master's degree. The day after my 24th birthday I am going to get on a plane to Turkey. Just wait, it will happen!